European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres

Posthuman Convergences: Theories and Methodologies

Utrecht Summer School course by prof. Rosi Braidotti17-21 August 2020

In spite of the difficult and uncertain circumstances at the moment, Utrecht University confirms that 2020 Summer School course ‘Posthuman Convergences’ will proceed as planned, though in a different format, with some students physically present in the classroom, holding the required social distance, and others following the course online. In order to evaluate posthuman convergences, the course will present, explore and assess the defining features of a selected number of fields within the fast-growing Posthumanities, such as the Environmental, Digital and Medical Humanities. Mindful of the differences in power and access that structure the debate on the posthuman, the course will also investigate how posthuman knowledge(s) can assist us in moving beyond the patterns of exclusion of the sexualised, racialised and naturalised “others” that were not recognised as belonging to humanity and were also disqualified as subjects of knowledge. Special attention will also be given to the continuing efforts to learn to think beyond anthropocentrism.

Apply now via the Utrecht Summer School web page.

Find the call for applications here